View Larger Map">(large Google Earth and navigable map embedded here) / Wolvefontein / Steytlerville eco-Sphere /Spatial Development Initiative
Haaspoort situated 10 minutes from and near Kleinpoort in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
Academic research supportive of these initiatives can be found here:
more about the environs click here ..........................
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More data AT: www.loopnet.com note you have to be a member but it is free so sign up if you find real estate interesting (click here if that does not work)
The Eastern Cape fast becoming a safari and eco-tourism paradise where you can see the Big 5 and now lately the Big 7 rather and not get Malaria since the Anopheles mosquitoes does not survive here .
Offered here are opportunities for individual properties available here and or Sectional titles or RCI styled Resorts Condominiums , with its perfect spring summer and autumn weather ,weather to die for at the vicinity of Blaauwbosch Private Game Reserve and Haaspoort Private bush camp.
Images of Blaauwbosch and surrounds by a lady who has visited recently can be seen at this blog http://jawahara.blogspot.com/2009/05/dazzle-n-pride-at-blaauwbosch-part-i.html
and more at :
This area is a traditionally used as crossbow and bow hunting area and photographic safaris area where big game hunters can hunt some animals often not found on the usual lists of animals conservation efforts though seem to be moving towards no or less shooting or very selective shooting.
Situated 1 and 1/2 hours from Port Elizabeth and strategically between Jansenville and the intersection via Steytlerville, which incidentally has a derelict airfield , over the concrete road to Willowmore connects the Route 62 over Noorspoort and Baroe to the R75 between Graaff reinet and Port Elizabeth
Haaspoort has spectacular views of Cockscomb Mountain Peak,the haunt of the Cape vulture and lammergeiers occasionally ,the peak situated at the base of which is a stunning gorge on the Grootriver at Sandvlakte(colloquial terms for “Sandy Flats”) , & easy 4X 4 access to Kouga Dam , Cambria Baviaanskloof and Gamtoes River Valley citrus growing area and also is not very far from Glen Connor and Sap Kamma Kirkwood's Sundays River valley Citrus growing area.
Biographically and eco-tourism conservation orientated and wisely set amongst the western extremities of GreaterAddo national Park and Eastern Extremities of Baviaanskloof Mega reserve area and planning areas of both as done by Nelson Mandela Bay University Terrestrial Ecosystems Program
Haaspoort ,situated a mere 15 kilometers away,as the crow flies, from Lake Darlington formerly know as Lake Mentz this are is opportune to be developed into a irrigation projects with flood and drought mitigation aspects to it .
This locality is set in a Karroo area thus semi desert region of the Eastern Cape it also is a transitional area from valley bush veld also known as Albany subtropical thicket and Eastern Cape grasslands regions of southern Africa.
Conservation of Aloe springbokvlaktensis and Euphoria esculenta ,Euphorbia caput medusae and others (Vingerpol & Noors )and Haworthia species and other species of succulent like “vygies” drosanthemun and other species spectacular when in spring flower
Unique endemic avian life fauna and flora are key assets of this area as well as specialized conservation efforts to secure the vistas.
What is planned for or under study & review for this area and under consideration:
Flamingo (species Lesser flamingo ) breeding “wetland” area which would be man made,(making it the 4th African breeding site and second man made one in sub Saharan Africa), and semi permanent as it currently occurs only on a seasonal basis that Flamingos nest and feed in this area. Also see the Birdatlas !
Man made reservoirs to secure infiltration of excess irrigation water and flood or drought mitigation measures from Orange River Greater fish Sundays Scheme to be used to fill carstz.
The later two proposals are subjected to a lengthy EIA ,i.e. Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Approximately 50 kilometer water pipelines to feed Steytlerville and possibly Willowmore municipal areas as drought relief or permanent measures to at minimum supply and top up water supply to man and livestock and possibly further enable and utilize arable lands in the desert area but retention of suitable ares for conservation and livestock and game farming.
What specifically is under consideration for Haaspoort.
On a property of 2500 hectares 150 hectares is set to and aside for a development and is proposed to be combined with 300 hectares of neighbors lands in a to be undertaken consortium arrangement to facilitate the below mentioned since the landscape and socio economic factors lends itself to inclusion of neighbours .
Waterfront Properties on edge of proposed new infiltration reservoirs.
Olive, castanea -chestnuts and grape orchards based on bio-dynamic and organic principles of cultivation.
Wind farm village at Wolvefontein and/or Kleinpoort railroad station towns that have become derelict and facilitate rail links to existing eco- tourism routes to Eastern Cape .
Eco village and golf estate on Farm Haaspoort 96 and adjacent land owners
Long haul overlands overnight camping areas
Commencement of Maximum Luxury accommodation and conference center facilities to include language and botanical tours schools facilities.
Such luxury accommodation may include structures perched on cliffs to modeled on lines of architectural award winners of design similar to and ideal for the site as are visible at Singita Lodges Singita Lebombo and Singita Sweni and include health and beauty spa ,hospitalization and frail care facilities.
As part of social responsibilities initiatives it si suggested to have the entire development based on a petro-chemical and oil free basis and totally energy efficient and indeed as a working model and demonstration and ongoing learning facility and community.
The project proponents,as land owners and other current land owners deem themselves regardless of having a minimum shareholding in eventual company that would probably result form the development as critical members of the core & the development team
Other offers by John M Riggs:
Rural land costs range from ZAR (South African Rand ) 2000 per hectare (one hectare is two rugby /football fields) expensive rural land only is ZAR 35 000
High value alluvial valley irrigation land scheduled for weekly water is ZAR 30 ooo to 40 000 per hectare
Cheapest cost to build per square meter: ZAR 4 000
Average overall building cost in most cities ZAR 6 500
Highest (example on a steep slope with the most expensive finishes ) ZAR 30 000
Cheapest average cost of a bathroom renovation as a total make over ZAR 19 000
Highest cost of a bathroom renovation as a total make over : ZAR 100 000
Comparatively speaking World average building costs of new dwellings are equivalent to ZAR 60 000 or approximately 6 000 Euros
A single US $ is ZAR +/- 10
A single POUND STERLING is ZAR +/- 17
A single EU Euro is ZAR +/- 12
You work it out !